
Mike Dremel

One part “Sage on the Stage”, another part “Guide on the Side”, who provides scaffolding and schedule so that each student can find a path to academic success in my class. I had just retired from teaching high school chemistry at Marina HS, saw an opening and decided to offer my services. JMCS made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I will work hard to help you engage in whatever legal and ethical activities to earn credits toward your graduation, with integrity, punctuality and social development as corollary skills.


  • Rancho Cielo

Education + Training

  • PhD Educational Leadership ABD, MAED U-Phoenix
  • BA in Communications Studies CSU-Sacramento
  • AA Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) in Adult Education
  • AA CCAF Russian Interpreting and Translating
  • Graduate of the Defense Language Institute in beginning, intermediate, and advance Russian courses.

Work Experience

  • 26 years serving in the US Air Force, 3 deployments, INF Treaty work, lead instructor.
  • After retiring, worked at the Defense Language Institute in their accreditation efforts, then taught beginning military linguists the art of learning languages.
  • Taught chemistry at Marina HS, composed music and lyrics for a fight song, taught ASB (student government), debate, and substituted for peer teachers there in every subject.

When I’m not working, I’m

reading on various topics, writing satire, engaging along the entire political spectrum on Facebook, sharing with teachers from across the state on activities to try, attending TED talks, etc.