
David Stewart

I’m a grounded educator, drawing from my life experiences to guide and forge meaningful connections with my students. I joined JMCS with a personal connection, having graduated from the institution years ago. It was at JMCS that I unearthed my enthusiasm for learning and teaching others. You can expect a supportive mentor who comprehends your needs and is prepared to assist you in achieving lofty goals and aspirations.


  • Riverside Heritage

Education + Training

  • Business Admin BS, University of California Riverside
  • Associates of Social and Behavioral Studies, Riverside City College
  • Associates of Administration and Information Systems, Riverside City College
  • Associates of Communication, Media and Languages, Riverside City College
  • Associates of Humanities, Philosophy and Arts, Riverside City College

Work Experience

  • Teaching Assistant, JMCS
  • Assistant Registrar, JMCS

When I’m not working I’m

working on bettering myself or assisting others in my community. I also work at a community teen center, volunteer often, and create murals.